Truth be told I seem like like an energy powerhouse but I am struggling in these final few weeks with energy. I always know that I can count on a good workout to really up my energy and my mood! …

Raising a Plant Based Family in Cowboy Country
Truth be told I seem like like an energy powerhouse but I am struggling in these final few weeks with energy. I always know that I can count on a good workout to really up my energy and my mood! …
This is my eldest son. His name is Hudson and he is the most beautiful blessing. He has brought us so much joy and blessing since his birth. But his birth nearly killed both of us. This is the story …
Ah the New Year approaches…usually I am full of anticipation for the new year and new beginnings and goals but this year, I find myself more in a reflective phase. You see, my family has had some huge …
I’m not going to lie to you all and say that this week has been super easy to workout. I don’t know there is something about the holidays that makes working out hard plus various members of my family have …
So currently, I’m in my third trimester with only a couples weeks to go! I’m excited! I can’t wait to meet our sweet baby girl. If you know me, you know two reasons why I should not be qualified to …
Thankfully, the weather here this year is decidedly mild. I say this because while I don’t mind running in the snow, I have a terrible fear of running on ice and slipping and falling and dying. My husband used to …
Ok now that I have a warnings out of the way (please read them Let me show you my workouts! I do strength training 3-4 days per week, run 2-3 times per week and also do some prenatal pilates 2 …
Just a quick little note before I start posting some of my workouts which I am super excited to do as I seriously have a whole book of them. No workout is worth sacrificing your body or your baby over. …
Being that I am currently in my third trimester of my third pregnancy, I thought fitting to start off my fitness section of my blog with some really good reasons that none complicated pregnant women should workout. I’m in a …