I love the cool creaminess of guacamole. I also love the richness of hummus. So I needed a salad dressing for my supper yummy fajita bowls and bam! Guacammus was born! Its a simple salad dressing that is great for …

Raising a Plant Based Family in Cowboy Country
I love the cool creaminess of guacamole. I also love the richness of hummus. So I needed a salad dressing for my supper yummy fajita bowls and bam! Guacammus was born! Its a simple salad dressing that is great for …
Ah the New Year approaches…usually I am full of anticipation for the new year and new beginnings and goals but this year, I find myself more in a reflective phase. You see, my family has had some huge …
I’m not going to lie to you all and say that this week has been super easy to workout. I don’t know there is something about the holidays that makes working out hard plus various members of my family have …
So currently, I’m in my third trimester with only a couples weeks to go! I’m excited! I can’t wait to meet our sweet baby girl. If you know me, you know two reasons why I should not be qualified to …
I’ve been working the better part of 7 years of nights. Love them or hate them, they are often a part of nursing (which is my perspective) and many other professions. Truth be told, I used to have a seriously …
Thankfully, the weather here this year is decidedly mild. I say this because while I don’t mind running in the snow, I have a terrible fear of running on ice and slipping and falling and dying. My husband used to …
I was never intending to write this blog. I wanted my website to be a place where you can come, find cool tips and tricks and learn some new recipes for some very difficult food challenges. However…I have been getting …