So usually I love making fresh slightly complicated dishes however…I’m having a seriously pregnant week. And by that I mean I am tired and have some serious brain fog. Words are just not coming out in the right order, I’m …

Raising a Plant Based Family in Cowboy Country
So usually I love making fresh slightly complicated dishes however…I’m having a seriously pregnant week. And by that I mean I am tired and have some serious brain fog. Words are just not coming out in the right order, I’m …
So the weather here in Penticton BC has (finally!) been getting colder and but its still cloudy and windy so perfect days to perfect my “not chicken noodle soup” Its a lovely blend of warm spices and broth reminiscent of …
If you are like me at all there are a few things in life that contain animal products that I do miss dearly. Spinach dip used to be one of these products but no longer!! After a few trial and …
Is your house brimming with christmas excitement? Ours is. One of the purest joys of having small children is watching them anticipating christmas with so much glee. We have many traditions which have been gleamed from both sides of our …
Who doesn’t love biting into hot fresh spring rolls? I know I do! But being that we eat primarily whole foods and absolutely vegan, I needed to pick apart all the things I liked about spring rolls and reformat them …
Warm easy vegan meal for the whole family!
So lately I have been craving chocolate yet I am so not into dairy…I have large number of reasons why…animal cruelty, cocoa beans being picked by enslaved children, dairy causing a number of heart, lung, pancreas issues and maybe one …
So I love salads…however I am also so a hot meal person! So I try different combinations for a “warm salad” or at least something on it. Here is a nice twist on my vegan taco salad…bbq baked beans! Homemade …
This is the excerpt for your very first post.