I have been doing the single parent thing for a little while now while hubby is away for business. Thankfully I have help from some friends, family, and others around me. My wonderful father-in-law came by this past weekend with …

Raising a Plant Based Family in Cowboy Country
I have been doing the single parent thing for a little while now while hubby is away for business. Thankfully I have help from some friends, family, and others around me. My wonderful father-in-law came by this past weekend with …
Ahhhh…Breakfast. I love breakfast. My kids love breakfast. We are weird morning people and I’m ok with that. Breakfast not only gives you a chance to wake your body up and get ready for the day but a power packed …
I loved my husband’s version of Taco salad when we first got married. He made what was (in hindsight) likely the most unhealthy but tasty taco salad with Doritos, cheese and ground beef and a couple veggies tossed in for …
Recently my blog moved to different server and this recipe got lost in the move! It’s one of my husband’s absolute favourite treats of all time. I have made them several times and they have absolutely devoured every time. They …
Not to toot my own here but TOOT TOOT! This is an amazing salad! So easy to make and something very different from the type of foods we usually eat. Lots of spices involved but the dressing makes everything come …
I’m happy to be sharing this one! My family absolutely loved this soup! I don’t have many memories of my grandmother who passed away when I was around 17 but a memory I do have is cabbage rolls! This is …
A warm comfortable vegan dish wrapped in a sweet and tangy peanut sauce.
I love the cool creaminess of guacamole. I also love the richness of hummus. So I needed a salad dressing for my supper yummy fajita bowls and bam! Guacammus was born! Its a simple salad dressing that is great for …
You have no idea how excited I am to share this recipe with you. Not only was it created by myself but my 4 year old, Hudson is also learning to cook and offered fantastic suggestions as well as was …
I have two boys currently (a girl on the way!!) and I absolutely love snowshoeing! Seriously, I’m like a kid when the snow starts falling I race to the window and try to see if there is enough snow on …