I was never intending to write this blog. I wanted my website to be a place where you can come, find cool tips and tricks and learn some new recipes for some very difficult food challenges. However…I have been getting …

Raising a Plant Based Family in Cowboy Country
I was never intending to write this blog. I wanted my website to be a place where you can come, find cool tips and tricks and learn some new recipes for some very difficult food challenges. However…I have been getting …
So the weather here in Penticton BC has (finally!) been getting colder and but its still cloudy and windy so perfect days to perfect my “not chicken noodle soup” Its a lovely blend of warm spices and broth reminiscent of …
Ok now that I have a warnings out of the way (please read them https://rusticveganmama.ca/2017/12/05/a-quick-word-about-safety-with-pregnancy-and-exercise/) Let me show you my workouts! I do strength training 3-4 days per week, run 2-3 times per week and also do some prenatal pilates 2 …
Just a quick little note before I start posting some of my workouts which I am super excited to do as I seriously have a whole book of them. No workout is worth sacrificing your body or your baby over. …
Being that I am currently in my third trimester of my third pregnancy, I thought fitting to start off my fitness section of my blog with some really good reasons that none complicated pregnant women should workout. I’m in a …
If you are like me at all there are a few things in life that contain animal products that I do miss dearly. Spinach dip used to be one of these products but no longer!! After a few trial and …
Is your house brimming with christmas excitement? Ours is. One of the purest joys of having small children is watching them anticipating christmas with so much glee. We have many traditions which have been gleamed from both sides of our …
Who doesn’t love biting into hot fresh spring rolls? I know I do! But being that we eat primarily whole foods and absolutely vegan, I needed to pick apart all the things I liked about spring rolls and reformat them …
Warm easy vegan meal for the whole family!
So lately I have been craving chocolate yet I am so not into dairy…I have large number of reasons why…animal cruelty, cocoa beans being picked by enslaved children, dairy causing a number of heart, lung, pancreas issues and maybe one …