
2017-A Year of Endings




Ah the New Year approaches…usually I am full of anticipation for the new year and new beginnings and goals but this year, I find myself more in a reflective phase. You see, my family has had some huge endings this year. We moved to Penticton, BC just over 2 years ago so that my husband could go to school while I had the support of my family who live here. As we had decided this, we received a new curve ball thrown into our plan, we found out we were pregnant with our second son, Asher (born 2016). We have had really great memories during this time, all sorts of adventures, and a new outlook on health. This year, my husband has finished his Criminal and Social Justice and well…actually we don’t know at this time where this is leading. We are hoping for RCMP.


It’s during this time that we decided the goal was for me to stay home with our children while my husband worked. Believe me, this was not an easy decision as I am a very good nurse with a TON of extra education. I worked hard on my career and I have so many reasons not to stop being a nurse but ultimately, I have three very good reasons to complete my time as a nurse. I’ve decided to give my kids the very best start to life that I can manage at this time and that means staying home, ensuring the best nutrition I can sneak into them and teaching them values that many other people just won’t be able to grow in them. As we decided this, another very unexpected curve was sent our way, our daughter (coming this year!)


We are both nervous and excited to see what is coming this year. I’m really enjoying sharing with you all about these tips and tricks for some of our more tricky areas of life such as diet, fitness, children, work, relationships and whatever else we have managed to navigate through that can help you to do the same. I hope you find this blog insightful, honest and helpful. My husband and I have been through a lot during our short almost 8 years of marriage and have encountered many pitfalls that I hope we can navigate you around.


So as you approach your new year, what are some changes you are anticipating? I hope health is one, growth is another and of course ,joy! I hope this new year brings you both blessings but also an opportunity for growth even if it means a little pain (weird I know). I hope you find your fight and your reasons to stay healthy, make good choices for your families and learn new skills that lead to new adventures.

Thank you for visiting my page and even following my blog. Even if you only take one recipe, it brings me joy knowing that I could bless your family in some way even if we have never met.

A truly Happy New Years!


Rustic Vegan Mama (and family)



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